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Holiday Rentals Malta & Gozo


10 reasons why Malta could be the Lost City of ATLANTIS

12th Feb 2022

10 reasons why Malta could be the Lost City of ATLANTIS malta,  malta, Holiday Rentals Malta & Gozo malta
Malta         Read More

19 Surprising Facts About Malta & Gozo

10th Feb 2023

19 Surprising Facts About Malta & Gozo malta,  malta, Holiday Rentals Malta & Gozo malta
Malta & Gozo, In the mid-16th century, murderous knights were incarcerated on Malta’s second largest island to cool off. These days, the Maltese flee to its ruggedly beautiful shores on weekends to escape the main island bustle, whiling away their hours on golden sand beaches and feasting on fresh seafood. Get there: After flying into Malta, it’s roughly 45 mins drive to the ferry terminal, and a 30 min voyage to Gozo. Where to... Read More

An eventful in Malta!

2nd Nov 2023

An eventful in Malta! malta,  malta, Holiday Rentals Malta & Gozo malta
An eventful in Malta! http://www.holidayrentalmaltagozo.com       The wonderful thing about Malta is that no matter what time of year you decide to visit the island, there is always plenty to do and you can do it all in excellent weather conditions and in minimal commuting time! Renowned for its hot and eventful summers, Malta has built itself a reputation as an ideal holiday destination, but we are here to show you how much Malta has to offer not just in summer, but... Read More

Forget Croatia and Ibiza, your next group holiday should be to Malta

29th Nov 2023

Forget Croatia and Ibiza, your next group holiday should be to Malta   malta,  malta, Holiday Rentals Malta & Gozo malta
Forget Croatia and Ibiza, your next group holiday should be to Malta     Chances are if you’re embarking on a big group holiday you’re thinking about somewhere like Ibiza or Croatia. Nice enough places for sure, but really you should be thinking about Malta. With 300 days of sunshine a year, you’re guaranteed blissful rays on sandy beaches. Pair that sunshine with an emerging music scene from an island big on reggae and dance music and you’ve got a... Read More

Malta And Gozo Village Feasts 

4th Jan 2023

Malta And Gozo Village Feasts  malta,  malta, Holiday Rentals Malta & Gozo malta
Malta And Gozo Village Feasts  Always check the dates of every feast Malta village feast offers you a complete guide for Malta and Gozo feasts. If you live in Malta and love Maltese culture, you can plan your local village feast visits. The feast is not only during the day mentioned on this page but all towns and villages have a program of activities for five days before the final feast day. A detailed program is usually found in the village parish and band club websites.... Read More

Malta Great Wallks

6th May 2023

Malta Great Wallks malta,  malta, Holiday Rentals Malta & Gozo malta
Malta Great Walks https://www.facebook.com/maltagreatwalks/     Read More

Malta gets 3,095 hours of sunshine

1st Jan 2023

Malta gets 3,095 hours of sunshine  malta,  malta, Holiday Rentals Malta & Gozo malta
Malta gets 3,095 hours of sunshine  There were more than 3,095 hours of sunshine last year, according to a round-up by the Meteorological Office. The Met Office said that the lowest recorded temperature last year was on January 1 at 2.1°C and the hottest on July 31, at 38.4°C. The wettest month was February when a total 112.8 millimetres of rainfall was recorded. The Met Office said that last year began with a higher-than average rainfall and ended with an unusually bright,... Read More

Maltese fireworks light up the sky during tonight's feast

15th Aug 2022

Maltese fireworks light up the sky during tonight's feast malta,  malta, Holiday Rentals Malta & Gozo malta
  What a show! Maltese fireworks light up the sky during the feast of every Village on every weekend.  https://www.facebook.com/TheWeatherPageMalta/videos/919503654922482/?hc_ref=ARTfP2W0Rs8hu3rLIuylUv-2LxAIcZAsXW8cG-ueva2MkAkvBzJekCTMVspDFI_iBI0  Read More

Most Bombed Country - Malta

26th Feb 2023

Most Bombed Country - Malta  malta,  malta, Holiday Rentals Malta & Gozo malta
See this link to see how Malta is the most County that was Bombed https://www.facebook.com/WillitToBe/videos/vb.950860801790503/412950349471132/?type=2&theater This country was bombed every day for two years, and I bet you've never even heard of it. This is Malta, arguably one of the most beautiful countries ever, but it has been through a lot and has received no credit for it. So today I'm shining a light on the massive roll this country had during World War 2... Read More

My Destination Malta

6th Jul 2023

My Destination Malta malta,  malta, Holiday Rentals Malta & Gozo malta
https://www.facebook.com/MyDestinationMalta/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED  Read More